All Problems

Electric Oscillations

Problem 4.122

Fig. 4.32 illustrates the simplest ripple filter. A voltage \(V=V_{0}(1+\cos \omega t)\) is fed to the left input. Find: (a) the output voltage \(V^{\prime}(t)\) (b) the magnitude of the product \(R C\) at which the output amplitude of alternating voltage component is \(\eta=7.0\) times less than the direct voltage component, if \(\omega=314 \mathrm{~s}^{-1}\).

Reveal Answer
4.122. (a) \(V^{\prime}=V_{0}+V_{m} \cos (\omega t-\alpha),\) where \(V_{m}=V_{0} / \sqrt{1+(\omega R C)^{2}}\) \(\alpha=\arctan (\omega R C)\) (b) \(R C=\sqrt{\eta^{2}-1} / \omega=22 \mathrm{~ms}\)