All Problems

Elastic Waves. Acoustics.

Problem 4.182

A plane sound wave propagates along the \(x\) axis. The damping coefficient of the wave is \(\gamma=0.0230 \mathrm{~m}^{-1}\). At the point \(x=0\) the loudness level is \(L=60\) dB. Find: (a) the loudness level at a point with coordinate \(x=50 \mathrm{~m}\) (b) the coordinate \(x\) of the point at which the sound is not heard any more.

Reveal Answer
(a) \(L^{\prime}=L-20 \gamma x \log \mathrm{e}=50 \mathrm{~dB}\) (b) \(x=0.30 \mathrm{~km}\).