All Problems

Electric Oscillations

Problem 4.127

A capacitor with capacitance \(C\) whose interelectrode space is filled up with poorly conducting medium with active resistance \(R\) is connected to a source of alternating voltage \(V=V_{m} \cos \omega t\). Find the time dependence of the stead y-state current flowing in lead wires. The resistance of the wires is to be neglected.

Reveal Answer
 4.127. I=Imcos(ωt+φ), where Im=VmR1+(ωRC)2 and tanφ=ωRC\begin{aligned} &\text { 4.127. } I=I_{m} \cos (\omega t+\varphi), \quad \text { where } \quad I_{m}=\frac{V_{m}}{R} \sqrt{1+(\omega R C)^{2}} \text { and }\\ &\tan \varphi=\omega R C \end{aligned}