All Problems

Electric Oscillations

Problem 4.114

An oscillating circuit consists of a capacitor with capacitance \(C=1.2 \mathrm{nF}\) and a coil with inductance \(L=6.0 \mu \mathrm{H}\) and active resistance \(R=0.50 \Omega .\) What mean power should be fed to the circuit to maintain undamped harmonic oscillations with voltage amplitude across the capacitor being equal to \(V_{m}=10 \mathrm{~V} ?\)

Reveal Answer
P=1/2RCVm2/L=5 mW\langle\mathrm{P}\rangle=1 /{ }_{2} R C V_{m}^{2} / L=5 \mathrm{~mW}