All Problems

Constant Magnetic Field, Magnetics

Problem 3.252

A coil carrying a current I=10 mAI=10 \mathrm{~mA} is placed in a uniform magnetic field so that its axis coincides with the field direction. The single-layer winding of the coil is made of copper wire with diameter d=0.10 mm,d=0.10 \mathrm{~mm}, radius of turns is equal to R=30 mm.R=30 \mathrm{~mm} . At what value of the induction of the external magnetic field can the coil winding be ruptured?

Reveal Answer
B=πd2σm/4RI=8kT, where σm is the strength of copperB=\pi d^{2} \sigma_{m} / 4 R I=8 \mathrm{kT}, \text { where } \sigma_{m} \text { is the strength of copper}