All Problems

Universal Gravitation

Problem 1.224

A satellite revolving in a circular equatorial orbit of radius \(R=2.00 \cdot 10^{4}\) km from west to east appears over a certain point at the equator every \(\tau=11.6\) hours. Using these data, calculate the mass of the Earth. The gravitational constant is supposed to be known.

Reveal Answer
 1.224. M=(4π2R3/γT2)(1+T/τ)2=61024 kg, where T is  the period of revolution of the Earth about its own axis. \begin{aligned} &\text { 1.224. } M=\left(4 \pi^{2} R^{3} / \gamma T^{2}\right)(1+T / \tau)^{2}=6 \cdot 10^{24} \text { kg, where } T \text { is }\\ &\text { the period of revolution of the Earth about its own axis. } \end{aligned}